Neurofeedback Therapy is at the cutting edge of mental health care.

Neurofeedback Therapy

The brain is such an important part of our functioning, and if not operating optimally it can impact both our psychological and physical health, causing problems like stress, anxiety or pain.  The good news is that your brain has an innate ability to heal, and Neurofeedback taps into this; it engages and calms brainwaves using visual and auditory stimulation in the form of animations on a computer screen.  It’s a quick, safe and effective therapy which is suitable for all ages, difficult to treat conditions and as an adjunct or alternative to medication.

We found that introducing neurofeedback therapy to our practice has resulted in significant changes to people which may not have been achieved so quickly using traditional therapies.  Many people enjoy Neurofeedback as it doesn’t ask for a story to be told but is still supported by a good therapeutic interaction.

Neurofeedback Therapy alleviates the symptoms of:

ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Emotional & Behavioural Problems, PainSleep & Fatigue, Sports & Creative Performance, Stress & Anxiety, Trauma & PTSD

Please get in touch and we can discuss your specific needs

Client Comments

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 5yrs old and been anxious, with depression and anger issues my whole life – neurofeedback has completely flipped all that!  I think more clearly, sleep better, am better organised and more focused! 

Suzanne has helped me deal with my stress levels and disturbed sleep which became worse during lockdown. I was so happy with how she used Neurofeedback with me that my partner and autistic son are also attending for this amazing therapy. Our family dynamics have dramatically improved.

After a few sessions I was aware that my anxiety levels had dramatically reduced and I could cope much better with the stress that I have with my demanding job.

I have been feeling the best I have been for a very long time. I’m sleeping well, getting on with things and the daily anxiety in my stomach has gone, its such a relief.  I wanted to let you know the positive changes yourself and neurofeedback therapy have made to my quality of life.

Before I had neurofeedback I had spent years with chronic muscle pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back. I had been to Doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, had injections and nothing worked that well. After a few sessions of neurofeedback I immediately felt better. As the sessions progressed I noticed my pain was practically gone, my mood had improved, I felt better about and within myself, my eyesight improved and in general I felt really good which has continued. I’m also more able to deal with things calmly without emotionally reacting. I would definitely recommend Neurofeedback Scotland.

After receiving a number of Neurofeedback sessions, the difference in my sleep has been nothing short of miraculous. For anyone suffering from regularly disturbed sleep, I would highly recommend neurofeedback as a positive solution that gets results.

Female age 48